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The Naval Dynamics' proprietary DeltaCat is a highly adaptable semi-submersible unit that is the culmination of 15 years experience from designing MOU's. The unit is designed for multiple operations including Drilling, Well Service, Accommodation, IMR and Tandem Heavy Lifting.  


This design has two major advantages, the motions and DP fuel burn when weather vaning are significantly reduced while maintaining excellent all heading capability. The other benefit is transit performance; the DeltaCat achieves 12 kts transit speed with the same installed power as conventional units.

Market Segments

semi-submersible rigs


Drilling / Well Service / P&A

The DeltaCat Downhole Subsea Unit (DSU) is designed and optimized to facilitate multiple well service operations, and utilizes a flexible deck layout and optional add-ons to meet the steadily increasing demands from field operators.


Heavy Lifting

The DeltaCat HLU (Heavy Lifting Unit) exploits the benefits of the DeltaCat platform to the maximum. With lifting capacity and stability at the forefront of the market, the HLU offers operators optimal performance at extremely competative cost levels. 



Wind Service Operations

The DeltaCat is an optimal platform for wind service operations. From transport and installation to service, the NDDC WTSU (Wind Turbine Service Unit) has been developed on the basis of substantial experience from both the offshore wind market and the heavy lifting market. 



The DeltaCat design is an optimal platform for accommodation units, and can be configured to accommodate 300-450 pax depending on client spec. Superior motion characteristics and weather vaning allows for maximum safety for crew and operational efficiency.





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